Network Architecture A

chaotic_neural_networks.networkA.N_G = 1000

Generator Network – Number of neurons

class chaotic_neural_networks.networkA.NetworkA(N_G=1000, p_GG=0.1, g_GG=1.5, g_Gz=1.0, f=<numpy.lib.function_base.vectorize object>, dt=0.1, Δt=1.0, α=1.0, τ=10.0, seed=1, nb_outputs=1)[source]

Neural Architecture A:
  • A recurrent generator network with firing rates \(\mathbf{r}\) driving a linear readout unit with output \(z\) through weights \(\mathbf{r}\) that are modified during training.
  • Feedback to the generator network is provided by the readout unit.
FORCE_sequence(t_max, number_neurons=5)[source]

Returns a matplotlib figure of a full FORCE training sequence, showing the evolution of:

  • network ouput(s)
  • number_neurons neurons membrane potential
  • and the time-derivative of the readout vector \(\dot{\textbf{w}}\)

before training (spontaneous activity), throughout training, and after training (test phase): each one of these phases lasts t_max/3.

See in the github repository for further examples.


>> network = networkA.NetworkA(f=utils.periodic); network.FORCE_sequence(600) Pre-training / Spontaneous activity… Training… > Average Train Error: [ 0.02805716] Testing… > Average Test Error: [ 2.50709125]


Compute the average training/testing error.

Parameters:train_test ({'PCA', 'MDA'}, optional) – Choice of the error to compute: train or test.
Returns:Train of test error, depending on train_test
Return type:(len(self.z_list),) array
step(train_test='train', store=True)[source]

Execute one time step of length dt of the network dynamics.

Parameters:train_test ({'PCA', 'MDA'}, optional) – Learning phase (when \(P\) and the readout unit are updated) or test phase (no such update)


>>> from chaotic_neural_networks import networkA; net = networkA.NetworkA()
>>> for _ in np.arange(0, 1200, net.dt):
...     net.step()
>>> net.error()
chaotic_neural_networks.networkA.dt = 0.1

Network integration time step.

chaotic_neural_networks.networkA.g_GG = 1.5

Scaling factor of the connection synaptic strength matrix of the generator network. $$g_{GG} > 1 ⟹ ext{chaotic behavior}$$

chaotic_neural_networks.networkA.g_Gz = 1.0

Scaling factor of the feedback loop – Increasing the feedback connections result in the network chaotic activity allowing the learning process.

chaotic_neural_networks.networkA.p_GG = 0.1

Generator Networksparseness parameter of the connection matrix. Each coefficient thereof is set to \(0\) with probability \(1-p_{GG}\).

chaotic_neural_networks.networkA.p_z = 1.0

Sparseness parameter of the readout – a random fraction \(1-p_z\) of the components of \(\mathbf{w}\) are held to \(0\).

chaotic_neural_networks.networkA.Δt = 1.0

Time span between modifications of the readout weights – \(Δt ≥ dt\)

chaotic_neural_networks.networkA.α = 1.0

Inverse Learning rate parameter – \(P\), the estimate of the inverse of the network rates correlation matrix plus a regularization term, is initialized as $$P(0) = \frac 1 α \mathbf{I}$$

So a sensible value of \(α\) - depends on the target function - ought to be chosen such that \(α << N\)

If - \(α\) is too small ⟹ the learning is so fast it can cause unstability issues. - \(α\) is too large ⟹ the learning is so slow it may fail

chaotic_neural_networks.networkA.τ = 10.0

Time constant of the units dynamics.